May these gifts bless your life and the generations that come after you!

with Love and Gratitude,




Short 2-10minute episodes that fit into your days to waken the heart and bring more joy and purpose to life! Fun thing! You can even leave me a voice message that can be featured on upcoming episodes.

More... GIFTS For YOU!!


Learn how to activate Rare Faith to connect your head and heart while living more joyfully. This includes Leslie Householder's 3 bestselling books & self-paced training.


Learn to live your BEST LIFE with simple actions. you can do in under 10 minutes! It's time to embrace JOY in all circumstances. It will come right to your email and you can fit it into your schedule!


In 10 minutes you can get an overview of how you are thinking and if you are living what you know! Get insights into the way you think and how small adjustments may dramatically increase your positive outcomes! After you take it, contact me, and we can book a call to talk about your results and your best next steps.

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